6nwards Pink

Lloyd Pinder was the inaugural winner of the “Thacker’s Hackers” Golf Society in South Milford. But he was more than that. He was a friend. Some of us knew him for over twenty years, others knew him just through the society that began in 2019. He was a stalwart in everything he did, from football to cricket and golf. More notably he was loyal. He was loyal to his family and friends and he was more than loyal to his fight against prostate cancer. Lloyd was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer in 2016.

Lloyd did everything he could to stop or delay the inevitable. More importantly he was passionate to raise awareness of Prostate Cancer. He raised thousands of pounds through fundraising, from gala dinners to being an integral part of “March for Men” so that Prostate Cancer UK can eventually put a stop to men all over the United Kingdom dying.

Lloyd joined Jeff Stelling on many awareness campaigns from March for Men and 15 marathons in 15 days.

Jeff Stelling said of Lloyd:

He didn't mention that he had prostate cancer during that first hour, it wasn't until later that I went back and talked to him again that he told me he was struggling with prostate cancer. He was determined that he wouldn't be beaten by it, he was determined that he would do everything to beat it, and also to raise awareness of prostate cancer.

He walked with me for a couple of legs for that marathon and he walked - I think - three legs in the 15 marathons in 15 days, finishing up in Newcastle. On the last walk, he was too ill and couldn't take part but unbeknown to me, he turned up on the finishing line at Tottenham's new stadium, illness or not. He was not going to be stopped.

Sadly, Lloyd died in September 2020 at the age of 49 of prostate Cancer leaving Tina and his two amazing daughters.

We, as a society, are determined to follow on in his path and raise as much money and more importantly awareness of this cruel disease that kills one man every hour in the UK.
